Fast Five Friday: January 9, 2015

Fast Five Friday is hosted by Dani and Jax over at Cover Girls.  This week's topic is: Five Adored 2014 Book Covers.

This was another tough one for me, I am usually not a judge a book by it's cover kind of girl but there were more than a few books I read in 2014 whose covers I feel in love with.  (this is quickly becoming a thing this year too)






The topics for the upcoming weeks are:

Jan. 16: Five Most Anticipated 2015 Novels

Jan. 23: Five TV Character Crushes

Jan. 30: Five Favorite Authors

Feb. 6: Five Novels You Wish You Wrote

Feb. 13: Five Romantic Movies You Love

Feb. 20: Five Book Characters You’re Crushing On

Feb. 27: Five Top TV Shows

Mar. 6: Five Book Characters You Relate To

Mar. 13: Five Books You Recommend

Mar. 20: Five Best Writing Songs

Mar. 27: Five Movie Character Crushes

Don't forget to go by Cover Girls Fast Five Friday post and link up if you decide to participate.


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