Express Yourself: January 26 to 30, 2015
The Express Yourself Weekly Meme is hosted Bouquet Of Books and Entertaining Interests. This week's topic is: What are some writerly tips you've found helpful?
The most helpful writing advice to me is to write every day. Just write. Write anything. A journal entry, a blog, your WIP, a short story, a poem. Whatever floats your boat.
When I was my high school creative writing class our teacher would make us spend the first twenty minutes of the class writing in journals. We could write whatever we wanted. I still have those journals. I used them for story outlining, character drafting, name idea listing, poetry, short stories and occasional random thoughts.
The other tip that I have found works wonders is just keep writing, don't look back. You can edit later. I wish I had learned that one a long time ago. My writing is getting much stronger now. (or at least moving forward)
What writing tips have you found helpful? This is a blog hop please join in below:
The most helpful writing advice to me is to write every day. Just write. Write anything. A journal entry, a blog, your WIP, a short story, a poem. Whatever floats your boat.
When I was my high school creative writing class our teacher would make us spend the first twenty minutes of the class writing in journals. We could write whatever we wanted. I still have those journals. I used them for story outlining, character drafting, name idea listing, poetry, short stories and occasional random thoughts.
The other tip that I have found works wonders is just keep writing, don't look back. You can edit later. I wish I had learned that one a long time ago. My writing is getting much stronger now. (or at least moving forward)
What writing tips have you found helpful? This is a blog hop please join in below:
I'm trying to keep a journal. I kept one regularly a while ago and then sort of stopped but I've picked it back up again recently. Like you, I like to look back on what I've written in the past to see things have changed and how I've stayed the same.
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