Fast Five Friday: January 2, 2015

I have to say, I love a good blog hop, especially a regular one.  It gives me motivation to write regular which was something my blog was lacking for a while, it gives me a topic to write about which is something I occasionally also lack and it reminds me to go and visit the bloggers that I love regularly.  You know, before I have to slog through a month of posts that I do want to read because I wants to know what they have been up to but I don't want to read all at once. 

Dani and Jax over at Cover Girls have started a new blog hop for 2015 that is right up my alley, it's quick, in list format and I can participate as much or as little as I want. Which is cool, because sometimes life gets busy. 

This week's topic is: Five Favourite Novels Read in 2014, not an easy list for me to make but I managed to whittle it down to five.

1) Heart of the Ocean - Heather B Moore

2) Chronicles of Steele: Raven - Pauline Creeden

3) Who R U Really? - Margo Kelly

4) Alias Grace - Margaret Atwood

5) Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman

I like the idea of being able to just write a list without commenting on every single thing.  It was hard but I like it.  The topics for the upcoming weeks are:

Jan. 9: Five 2014 Adored Book Covers

Jan. 16: Five Most Anticipated 2015 Novels

Jan. 23: Five TV Character Crushes

Jan. 30: Five Favorite Authors

Feb. 6: Five Novels You Wish You Wrote

Feb. 13: Five Romantic Movies You Love

Feb. 20: Five Book Characters You’re Crushing On

Feb. 27: Five Top TV Shows

Mar. 6: Five Book Characters You Relate To

Mar. 13: Five Books You Recommend

Mar. 20: Five Best Writing Songs

Mar. 27: Five Movie Character Crushes

Don't forget to go by Cover Girls Fast Five Friday post and link up if you decide to participate.


  1. That does sound like an enjoyable hop. Great book choices! I'm here from Celebrate the Small things. I hope you enjoyed the holidays and I wish you a wonderful 2015!

  2. Oh gosh--top 5 novels of 2014...that one would be tough! A lot of thinking back.

  3. Your hop sounds like fun. I've read 4 of your 5... I better get moving.
    (I'm also here from Celebrate the Small Things even though I took a sabbatical for December.) You always have some interesting things going on! Happy New Year to you :)

  4. These are some great sounding books!! I haven't read any of them... I better start!!


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