100 Days of Being Geek Chic & Healthy
I stumbled across this one day in my wanderings on the blogosphere over on Nerdy Birdie and I knew I absolutely wanted to participate but as I was in the middle of the A to Z Challenge at the time I knew that I did not have the time, or the energy to do it. However it's May now.
So, like most things that I want to do I am going to bend the rules just a touch and use Mondays as my days to be catching up on the 100 days posts. I think it will be fun and interesting, some of the topics are really fantastic.
This isn't a blog hop in the strictest sense of the word so there's no link list to check out other posts but there is a google community which can be found here.
Cute idea for a theme, but I'm definitely not chic or necessarily healthy. And the only way I'm geek is just because I understand more tech than others in our office, but I'm actually not a true techie. Will be interesting to see what your posts are!
ReplyDeleteLife & Faith in Caneyhead.
ReplyDeleteI say many thanks to the father of the website admin I read this, because at this website I know a lot of information information that I did not know before his
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