Photo A Day Challenge: Days 1 to 10

Last month I started another photo a day challenge as a way to work on my photography skills which as you know leave more than a little to be desired. It was going okay until I dropped my phone and broke the camera. *face palm* But we are back in business for now with a loaner phone that makes me feel like a total moron while my camera gets fixed.

Day One:

Ladybug we found chilling on the sidewalk while out for a walk.

Day Two:

Morning skies on the way to work.

Day Three:

The creek on one of my training runs.

Day Four:

Spider Girl is so sparkly today.

Day Five:

Someone's lawn decoration on the way home from High Park.

Day Six:

Birthday present from my sister.

Day Seven:

Hail at the bus stop.

Day Eight:

Coolest postcards ever.

Day Nine:

Bringing a little superhero to my work clothes.

Day Ten:

Cat lost a tooth.

I am being a little more flexible with myself this time, if I miss a day it's not the end of the world.  Especially those days I had no working camera on my phone.  I am not going to force myself to find a shot if I am overworked or sick.  So far I am happy with how things are going.


  1. You're doing well. Once you get into a routine with it I'm sure you'll do fine. I read that it takes 21 days to fix a habit so you're almost halfway there already. :-)

    I love the photo of the hail at the bus stop. I hope you were under shelter while you were taking that.

    Good luck with the rest of your challenge and hope your poorly camera is feeling better soon. :-)

  2. My son would be jealous of your superhero necklace. :-)


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