Blood, Boobs & Carnage Blogfest

The long weekend caught me a little unprepared today and I forgot that I had scheduled this on so that I would remember to write it, a trick that usually works.  Except that for some reason I thought that the 18th was Tuesday.  :(

I did not watch Shoot 'Em Up when it first came out because despite having a passion for these types of movies it looked a little on the ridiculous side.  But somehow it ended up in my dvd collection and I ended up home with a newborn baby unable to sleep EVER.

Turned out one colicky baby loved watching (listening to?) violent movies and Shoot 'Em Up quickly became our movie of choice.  At 3am that opening scene is just really awesome.

I can't say I have watched it too many times since Cat outgrew her colic but it's on my list of favourite movies in this category for sure.

This blog hop is being hosted by Alex J Cavanaugh and Heather M Gardner and you can find links to the other participants on their blogs.  Go check them out.


  1. I missed this film. In fact I've never heard of it. I'll be on the lookout for it.

    Arlee Bird
    A to Z Challenge Co-host
    Road trippin' with A to Z
    Tossing It Out

  2. Oh, that's a crack up that your baby liked violent movie noise! I haven't seen this one.

  3. I watched a lot of shows during that time when my son was an infant too. Great choice!

  4. I've never seen the movie, but what's even more strange is I've never heard of it.

    Precious Monsters

  5. Never heard of it! I find that I have less patience for shooting movies than for other kinds of violence (like Vikings, for example...). Sounds entertaining, though :) Cheers from the blogfest!

    @TarkabarkaHolgy from
    Multicolored Diary

  6. How could I have missed a movie with the name Shoot em Up? I wouldn't have even needed to see the trailer.

  7. Haha, I should have thought about this one. Great choice for the B,B&C Blogfest!

  8. Like S.L. I am kicking myself for not thinking of this one, too! It was one of my repeat pleasures until I loaned it out and lost it. Don't you hate when you give someone a DVD, thinking you loaned it out!! :-)

  9. Is it wrong if I said I liked this movie? Hey, it was unique!
    Thanks for participating in our blogfest.

  10. I've never seen this one.But I have a vague memory of hearing about it. And I do enjoy Clive Owen.This may have to hit the Netflix :)

  11. I think I passed it up because of the cheesy title too. It on my watch radar now though. Thanks.

  12. I've never heard of that movie, but I like Paul Giamatti a lot.


  13. Hi, visiting from the BBC blogfest. Haven't watched this one, totally would have though if I had known colicky babies liked the genre :) Thanks for the reco.

  14. Looks like a fun movie. ☺ How funny that your baby was soothed by the violent sounds. Great choice for the BB&C blogfest!

  15. Hehe, I love that your daughter liked this film. They should maybe recommend this genre for new parents. ;-)

  16. I never heard of this movie but I would definitely watch it. Good cast it looks like. LOVE that your baby is into movies with lots of loud bangs and booms~ That's funny.
    Michele at Angels Bark

  17. I'm not familiar, but that's some cast!
    THANK YOU for joining Alex and me in this EPIC blogfest!
    Heather M. Gardner


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