Celebrate The Small Things: May 1, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things is hosted by Lexa Cain along with wonderful co- hosts Writing Off The Edge and The Cyborg Mom.

The first thing I am celebrating this week is that I made it to the end of April with my sanity intact!  Another Challenge notched on the blog!

Also, two weeks from tomorrow is the launch brunch for Geek Girl Brunch Toronto/Niagara Chapter for which I am an officer and I am super excited. (and nervous)  This means the next two weeks will be full of tons of work and excitement.  I will also be doing some guest blogs over at our chapter blog so you should check that out.  (and if you are in the Greater Toronto Area check us out, we are going to have a great time with our Marvel themed brunch and then go see Avengers)

In other notes, the running practice went for a little dip because of all the migraines (stupid spring) but I pushed Mike into doing a 5k with me and now Mr. Competitive is kicking my butt so I am still plodding along. :)

Also we went to see Ace's school do Mary Poppins on Wednesday, they were fantastic.  Look out for a full blog post on that.

This is a blog hop, hop on over and check out what everyone else is celebrating.


  1. Congrats on completing the challenge. Enjoy all of the upcoming activities. Sounds like fun.

  2. Yay for completing the A-Z! Good luck with all the things you have to do for your chapter meeting. It's good that you have someone to run with and keep you training hard. Have a great weekend!

  3. Well done for completing the challenge. :-) I love the sense of accomplishment you feel when you reach the end of it.

    Good luck with everything you've got coming up. It does sound like you'll be busy!

  4. You've got a lot of work ahead of you. Good luck.


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