Post A to Z Road Trip

As usual I finished the A to Z Challenge with more than a few blogs left to visit so it's time for the annual cruise through summer and visiting the rest of those blogs.

I am planning on taking it easy this year, I always try to be super ambitious and do everything and want to post about my favourite things that I find and I never do because life is busy and I am always doing a thousand things.  So this year I am just going to visit new blogs from the list when I can and not stress about anything else.

If I find something super fantastic I will share it with you guys, but I am not stressing about it.

Find the list of other road trippers here.


  1. I think that's the best approach to the Road Trip. I usually start strong and then fizzle out, only to be reminded of it when someone comments that they're visiting me through the Road Trip which might spur me on to visit another handful of blogs.

    I'm still getting caught up on blog posts I missed during the A to Z Challenge, and then I like to look through the Reflections list to catch up on some of the themes I missed. Then I'll join on the Road Trip. Like you, I'm not stressing it, it's all just a bit of fun at the end of the day. :-)

  2. You have pretty well laid out my own road trip plans for the year.
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead.


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