Z is for Zombie, Zebra, Zoodles, Zelda, and Zionks!

So, this is the last day of the A to Z Challenge. I was a little worried last week that I wasn't going to make it to the end. I got behind and a little uninspired, a little less than motivated and real life caught up with me in a very big way. However here I am by some miracle on April 30th with my Z post. YAY! I like the letter Z, if I had to pick a favorite letter of the alphabet this would be it. First of all because I love saying it...Zee...Zee...Zee (Come on you say it too, it's fun!) and second because (as you can tell by the title of this blog post) a whole boatload of my favorite things begin with the letter Z. Zombie! I love zombies, I am training the monkey's to love (and possibly be terrified of) zombies. Plus I think it is adorable that Cat wanted to bring a Zombie baby home until she happen to grab one that moved (apparently creepy dolls that are trying to eat themselves are okay....as long as they don't move) ...