R is for Reading

Reading is a skill I picked up at a very early age thanks to my awesome mother who never thought to limit herself to reading me "age appropriate" books.  Or thankfully to limit me to reading "age appropriate" books.  (Oh the battles she fought)

Now there is nothing that makes me happier than to curl up on my couch under a warm fuzzy blanket with a good book.  *sigh*  My prefered genre is of course fantasy or sci fi but I will read anything and everything I can get my hands on.  I have three overflowing bookshelves in my hallway (just of my books, this does not include the monkeys overflow shelves of books) of books I cannot think of parting with.

Then I had the bright idea of getting an e-reader so that I would maybe not end up on an episode of Hoarders one day.  I love it, it's great for instant gratification.  And those books that are only e-published or only published in another country and shipping is outrageous.  But it is not a book.  I still prefer the feel and smell of a real book. 

If you have been reading for a while the you know that I took on a self imposed reading challenge last month.  I had one and a half books finished (reviews to come) before I interrupted myself to read the Hunger Games after seeing the movie.  ( I couldn't resist, I had the books already and after seeing the movie...).  Eh, anyways, I really have to speed up a bit if I am going to even make a dent in that to read list. 

What kind of books do you like to read? 


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