This morning on my way to work I read this post from a YMC blogger and it got the wheels turning in my little brain. First of all, why are people so mean to each other? And second, the vast number of times I have want to set the feral little animals kids who call me mom at the end of the driveway with free to good home signs round their necks. The truth is though, in the moment, when there are a bottle full of snails loose in your apartment and sliming their way over everything while your son sleeps. (no lid, he thought they would stay in on the honor system) Yes, I wanted to put him and the snails out to sleep in the yard. After much, much yelling. But it's a little bit funny no? I have to admit it, then it wasn't, but now my reaction when I picked up his school bag and discovered it was writhing with snails....freaking hilarious. The fact that he honestly thought they would stay in the bottle, adorable. The l...
Banned complain !! Complaining only causes life and mind become more severe. Enjoy the rhythm of the problems faced. No matter ga life, not a problem not learn, so enjoy it :)
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