Summer 2017 Comment Challenge: August Edition

I stumbled across this challenge on one of the book blogs I follow and decided that I had to join for the last month.  I love making new blogging friends but am horrible at commenting, so the challenge to HAVE to do it is something to force me to get outside my comfort zone.  Which is a thing I am working on this year.

My partner that I was assigned is Jorie for Jorie Loves A Story and her blog looks pretty cool.  I look forward to getting to know her over the next month.  It's a little nerve wrecking for me though as I signed up to comment 10 times and I barely manage to comment once a month with people I have been following for years and would consider a blogging friend.  Just because I get nervous and anxious about no one caring what I have to say. (I am kind of shocked that I manage to blog actually)

Well shall see how this goes, hopefully I don't make an ass of myself. 


  1. Hallo, Hallo Melissa Ann!

    Ooh, dear heavens! No need to stress out about visiting me during August! A good place to start if you want to get a 'first glimpse' into what I love reading and what I'm currently attempting to read - whilst seeing what I gravitate towards weekly on Twitter are my #TheSundayPost! :) This morning I back-posted my 3rd Sunday Post as I had some wicked naughty tech issues overnight - oy! In this edition, I disclose my plans for August (ie. 1 RAL, 1 Classics event, 1 Readathon, plus loads of current reads!) and why one novel in particular has left me savouring the joy of discovering it's beautiful heart ( The Woman Who Breathed Two Worlds ).

    This is an interesting bit about you to learn - because guess whose also coming out of her shell this Summer? Me! I used to comment aplenty on blogs *prior!* to blogging myself - then life interceded, stress loomed like large clouds over my life for most of my blog's life and then, Summer began... realising I dearly missed visiting blogs + being a chatty commenter, I decided to plunge into The Comment Challenge!

    Shortly thereafter, I was encouraged to join the meme #TheSundayPost - whilst I picked up a love of joining #WaitingOnWednesday! I've received a bit of organic growth (in followers & commentary) due to my participation in both these past three weeks - however, what I received more was a re-surge of inspiration to be a chatty visitor myself!

    So you see - we're both a bit in the same boat right now! We're both trying to step outside ourselves and our blog - attempting to connect with others in the book blogosphere and challenge ourselves to break the patterns we've put ourselves in! Now, that's kinda of awesome if you ask me! Go us!

    No donkeys for us this month - just a load of bookish delights, readerly insights and light-hearted convos! Never feel shy to comment on a post of mine - this month or any month - there is a lot to see! Meanwhile I look forward to back-reading your blog and getting a feel for how you blog as well! Here's to a month of finding our voice and the joy of leaving notes on each other's blogs! Rock on!

    1. Thank you for the lovely welcome to the month. I am not an overly chatty person by nature so it's difficult for me but I am working on it. I want to be a more commenty (I will just make up words as I go) person. Because I want my blogging friends to know that I appreciate them.

      Also I hope that it will help me make conversation easier in the real world? Fingers crossed.


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